The National Retirement Living Summit is the largest annual event dedicated exclusively to the retirement industry of Australia. After a two year break due to the pandemic, the Summit returned in June this year with its largest turnout to date: 600 senior leaders, from retirement village operators to service providers, advocates and industry partners, gathering to discuss important issues and trends.

Director, Riordan Gough and Principal, Seniors Living, Patrick Ong attended the Summit, engaging in networking and attending presentations on a range of issues affecting the retirement living sector. Notable speakers included the Hon. Kay Patterson AO, Age Discrimination Commissioner for the Human Rights Commission, who gave an informative keynote speech on the need for a range of models of age friendly communities that support the diversity of consumers. Other presenters included Tony Massaro, Real Estate Advisory for PwC, who presented an overview of the retirement census, identifying trends and challenges for the industry from data gathered between 2014 and 2022.

As a proud Award Sponsor, Riordan presented the FMSA Architecture Award for Retirement Living Development to Australian Unity for The Grace development.