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Sandra Mackay
Woman with plum coloured knitted top and glasses smiles at camera

Sandra Mackay

Senior Bookkeeper

As Senior Bookkeeper, Sandra enjoys a challenge, solving for ways to maximise efficiencies when juggling a multiplicity of tasks. A registered BAS agent, she manages Foreground’s in-house financial services, bringing specialisations in accounts management and reconciliation, payroll systems and the preparation of financial reports.

Prior to joining Foreground, Sandra offered full-service bookkeeping and payroll support to businesses and organisations in a range of industries, including the construction and education sectors. She holds a Certificate IV in Accounting, and a Diploma in Secretarial Studies and Bookkeeping.

A solid team player, Sandra actively pursues opportunities to grow in any role, taking on additional responsibilities whenever appropriate. Calm under pressure, she is comfortable operating across a wide range of technical platforms, finding ways to provide extra assistance to her colleagues and leadership team, such as through the generation of Standard Operating Procedures.