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Brendan Pelham
Man in printed grey shirt seated on stool in front of neon tube wall feature light smiles broadly at camera

Brendan Pelham



With careful attention to detail and a strong ESD focus, Brendan demonstrates his commitment to designing built environments that are both sustainable and memorable. An accredited energy rater, he has a keen interest in Building Energy Modelling – predicting energy flows and conservation techniques to measure building performance.

Brendan has two decades of architectural experience in Australia and the UK, working across a range of typologies – from Seniors Living projects to university halls of residence, commercial buildings, and social housing projects. With careful attention to detail and strong 3D modelling skills, Brendan enjoys exploring how form and orientation can spark interest while optimising climate control.

Drawing from current research into the latest materials and construction techniques, Brendan has managed various alpine residence designs and highly technical re-cladding projects at Foreground, where risk and extreme weather dictate the need for higher insulation values.