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James Pullin
Man with shoulder length hair in grey long sleeve shirt and blues jeans seated on orange chair smiles broadly to camera

James Pullin

Student of Architecture


A cross-disciplinary approach to architecture is important to James and he seeks out the valuable expert insights that clients, consultants and colleagues have to offer. He strives to demonstrate responsibility through design, and closely follows the work of those architects who sustainably respond to the harsh extremes of Australia’s variable climate.

Joining the practice full time in early 2021, James now balances work with his Master of Architecture studies. Enjoying the challenge of diverse projects, he has helped to detail the William Cooper Justice Centre for Court Services Victoria, the Burnie Court Complex upgrade in Tasmania, and the Barwon Valley School redevelopment.

Extra to projects work, James puts his technical skill to good use at Foreground, working closely with BIM Manager, Ricki, to set up base templates that drive documentation efficiencies. Outside of work, James tries his hand at boat-building and home restoration tasks in his spare time.