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Kerri Pratt
Woman with long dark hair in sheer, colourful jacket, bright pink top and black pants leans against office table, smiles broadly to camera

Kerri Pratt



Kerri likes to put herself in the end user’s shoes, imagining how a designed space will support them, enrich their lives and spark feelings of self-worth. Sustainability is central to Kerri’s thoughtful design approach, and she applies her knowledge of building performance to deliver high-ESD outcomes and maximum comfort levels for clients and occupants wherever possible.

A senior architect with more than 20 years’ experience working across Victoria and Queensland, Kerri has built a rounded portfolio of work, with particular interest in the transformative power of social housing, education, land management infrastructure, aged care and justice sector projects. Her clients have included Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Victorian School Building Authority,  aged care providers Wintringham and Somercare, along with defence housing, and Indigenous housing projects.

With high technical proficiency, Kerri capably leads all project phases. Regularly demonstrating strong 3D modelling skills, she appreciates how visualisation tools can bridge the gap between architects and clients and extend the possibilities of design. In January 2024, Kerri joined the Foreground leadership team as an Associate.