Ria Hatzoglou
Ria knows design excellence begins and ends with clear communication. She brings more than two decades of thoughtful interior design, client service and business development to the oversight of Interiors projects at Foreground.
With qualifications in both Interior Design and Architectural Technology, Ria prizes the accrual of expert industry knowledge. She uses her detailed understanding of a broad range of products and their application to guide Foreground clients towards bespoke, collaboratively realised design outcomes. Constructability shapes her early concepts, and she is particularly attentive liaising with trades, clients and colleagues to fashion solutions that promote ease of use, wellbeing and a sense of community.
Ria works closely with the architecture team to oversee a range of interiors projects at Foreground. Opportunities have ranged from the RMIT Trades Hub to Burwood East Special Development School. A keen mentor, Ria supports a talented interiors team, growing and managing a portfolio across education, community and commercial sectors.