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Tim Yu
Man in all black office attire, including black blazer, leans against orange office chair, smiles broadly to camera

Tim Yu


“A good architect should have a strong grasp of both aesthetics and technology.”

Tim lives out his philosophy in the work of design, maintaining remarkable technical skill in both hand-drawing and the mastery of various design software. In an earlier role he coordinated BIM practice-wide, and so appreciates the impact thorough documentation can have on Foreground projects – both in the design process and in construction.

Tim joined the practice in late 2021 with solid experience working on a variety of domestic and international public projects. He has since been a member of the design team for Court Services Victoria’s expansion of the William Cooper Justice Centre, documented education projects, and contributed to the new Foreground office redevelopment in Carlton.

A self-confessed perfectionist, Tim takes pride in 3D modelling, researching software advances in his own time that drive quality visualisations and close the knowledge gap between client and designer.